Senin, 07 April 2008

Repairing xbox 360 3ROL (Code 0102)

Xbox 360 3ROL error with code 0102 is the most common error code in xbox 360. This error code mainly caused by overheating in GPU side where bad heat transfer from GPU to heat sink due to bad quality of thermal paste. Thermal paste from Microsoft xbox 360 not good enough to operate in hot condition for several time.Then after several month you will find your thermal paste becoming dry and letting your GPU hotter and broke its solder ("Solder Joint" in GPU side), finally your xbox 360 will get 3ROL code 0102(Overheat).
To repairing xbox 360 with 3ROL code 0102, you need to open your GPU HSF from its place and replace Microsoft thermal paste with the new one. I recommend using Arctic silver 5 because it’s containing silver which is one of the best conductor materials.
We will explain how to repair xbox 360 by using "Magic screw". This method is cheap because its only need 4 screw (~1cm length), 4 metal ring, 4 rubber/isolator ring (,4 isolator ring (thinner from rubber/isolator ring)

Parts of "Magic Screw"

Then bunch all part with configuration "Screw-iron ring-isolator ring"

For our xbox 360, we use "Elastic plastic/foam" with thickness ~1.5 mm as a "pillow" between xbox 360 motherboard and GPU Head sink. You can use anything but try to use elastic material, because this will make GPU head sink more flexible against xbox 360 motherboard heat.

Cut this "Elastic foam" into 1x1 cm square and make a small hole. Then place this Elastic material above xbox 360 motherboard and place all screw as shown in figure below.

Don't forget to use thermal paste between GPU and head sink. As mention before i recommend Arctic silver 5. And finally put xbox 360 head sink above GPU and tighten four screws but be careful don't tighten to hard or to soft. If to hard 3ROL 0102 code will still appear and if to soft 2ROL will appear. Four screws only use to keep head sink above GPU not to give any stress to xbox 360 GPU.

After you put all part to its place, turn on your xbox 360 and usually 3ROL 0102 still appear. Don't worry it is normal, your xbox 360 need to be re-heated so that all GPU solder will be placed properly (Do it less than 5 minute). Then turn off your xbox 360 and wait until GPU temperature become cooler. Turn on your xbox 360 again and it should work properly again.

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