To answer that question first we have to look what is the different between xbox 360 Jasper with its previous xbox 360 type (Falcon, Zephyr and Xenon). From from GPU,CPU and eDRAM size we can see the difference.
For picture above xbox 360 jasper has the lowest size and it should produce heat smaller which makes xbox 360 failure (3ROL/3RRod or 1ROL/1RRod)
Second is how we treat our xbox 360. Well i think the newest xbox 360 will failure if you played it in very hot room and close all xbox 360 air circulation, right??
So several think that you should do to prevent xbox 360 from failure 3ROL.
1.Play your xbox in room with good temperature
2.Put external 12 volt fan with external power source on several part of your xbox 360. This is important because external fan will reduce your xbox 360 temperature and keep running although you trun off your xbox 360, as my xbox 360 below.
3.Play xbox 360 game from HDD. Install your game first will reduce heat which come from DVD room.
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